Kuesa Runtime

Kuesa Drill-Experience QML Example

Demonstrates the use of the Kuesa Runtime API to create a real world application.

Structure of the Application

This demo is structured around a single screen Depending on the user actions, we enter one of 3 modes

Architecture of the Application

The demo has a strong split between the UI defined in QML and logic handling done in C++.

The UI is provided through a dedicated QML file.

When it comes to the logic handling, it's implemented through a dedicated controller. The controller takes care of providing a KuesaUtils::SceneConfiguration defining which glTF file to load, which camera to use for rendering as well as the a list of Kuesa::AnimationPlayers to control animations or Kuesa::TransformTrackers to retrieve the screen positions of 3D entities.

Additionally, the controller relies on KuesaUtils::SceneConfiguration::loadingDone and KuesUtils::SceneConfiguration::unloadingDone to retrieve Kuesa assets from the Kuesa::SceneEntity collections upon loading and clearing any reference to such object upon unloading.

Through the use of properties and upon those being modified by the UI, the controller will react and might launch animations



This is the entry point of our Application.

First we instantiate an ApplicationWindow

 ApplicationWindow {
     id: mainRoot
     title: "Drill-Experience"
     visible: true
     visibility: ApplicationWindow.Maximized

     Material.theme: Material.Dark
     Material.accent: Material.Blue

     menuBar: ToolBar {
         Label {
             text: mainRoot.title
             font.pixelSize: 20
             anchors.centerIn: parent

     Item {
         id: contentItem
         anchors.fill: parent

         DrillScene {
             id: view3D
             anchors.fill: parent

         UserManualUI {
             controller: view3D.controller
             anchors.fill: parent

QtQuick and Qt3D integration

The Drill-Experience example relies on the new simplified Kuesa::View3D API introduced in Kuesa 1.3.

 View3D {
     id: view3D
     focus: true
     asynchronous: true
     backgroundColor: "transparent"
     opacity: ready ? 1.0 : 0.0

     // Controllers
     // Readonly properties to expose controllers for external access
     readonly property ScreenController controller: _controller

     ScreenController {
         id: _controller

     // We rely on the controller providing the scene configuration
     // This provides the source, camera, trackers, animation players...
     activeScene: controller.sceneConfiguration

     Entity {
         components: [
             MouseHandler {
                 id: mouseHandler
                 sourceDevice: MouseDevice {}
                 // Use progress to control the orbit animation when in user manual mode
                 property real progressOffset
                 property bool isPressed: false

                 onPressed: {
                     isPressed = true;
                     // Switch to the User Manual mode when pressing the screen
                     // while on the status screen
                     if (controller.mode === ScreenController.StatusMode) {
                         controller.mode = ScreenController.UserManualMode
                     } else if (controller.mode === ScreenController.UserManualMode){
                         // Record camera curve offset
                         progressOffset = controller.positionOnCameraOrbit + mouse.x / view3D.width
                     } else { // GuidedDrillingMode

                 onReleased: isPressed = false;

                 onPositionChanged: {
                     // Move camera along orbit curve
                     if (isPressed)
                         controller.positionOnCameraOrbit = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, progressOffset - (mouse.x / view3D.width)))

     QQ2.Timer {
         id: idleDetectionTimer
         running: controller.mode !== ScreenController.StatusMode
         interval: 5 * 60 * 1000 // 5 minutes
         onTriggered: controller.mode = ScreenController.StatusMode

This is the QML file in charge of setting up the 3D View.

Kuesa::View3D is a subclass of the SceneEntity element which holds collections of Qt 3D assets accessible by name.

This elements acts as the root elements of our DrillScene element. The KuesaUtils::View3DScene::activeScene property is bound to the sceneConfiguraiton instanced returned by the controller. This ensure that when we switch screen and controller, we automatically switch to another SceneConfiguration.

 // Controllers
 // Readonly properties to expose controllers for external access
 readonly property ScreenController controller: _controller

 ScreenController {
     id: _controller

 // We rely on the controller providing the scene configuration
 // This provides the source, camera, trackers, animation players...
 activeScene: controller.sceneConfiguration

It is instantiated in the main.qml file

 DrillScene {
     id: view3D
     anchors.fill: parent

