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Unit tests#

There are 2 different kinds of unit-tests: C++ and script. They are located in the tests directory, with all test data in the test_data directory.

C++ unit-tests#

Tests written using the QtTest module.

Utility classes#

There are some utility classes you can use:

  • Test::testDataPath(): returns the test data folder path
  • Test::FileTester: create an original file based on the original one, and compare the result with an expected one
Test::FileTester file(Test::testDataPath() + "/textdocument/foo_original.txt");
Core::TextDocument document;
// do something with the document

To use it, include `"common/test_utils.h".

If you use the FileTester with LSP, make sure to close the LSP server (the KnutCore object must be destroyed for that):

Test::FileTester file(Test::testDataPath() + "/cpp-project/section_original.cpp");
    Core::KnutCore core;
    auto project = Core::Project::instance();
} // the core is destroyed before the FileTester

Enabling or disabling tests#

Some tests can't be run without clangd or with a version of clangd older than 13.0. In this case, you can add some macro at the beginning of the tests:

  • CHECK_CLANGD to skip the test if there are no clangd
  • CHECK_CLANGD_VERSION to skip the test if there are no clangd or an obsolete one

QML Unit-tests#

Tests written using a QML scripts, they are launched by the tst_knut.cpp file:


Each line will run a file from the test_data directory, for example the first one is looking for a tst_settings.qml file.

A QML test is using the module Knut.Test and the item TestCase. Each function will be called automatically and returns true or false, depending of the test results.

import Knut
import Knut.Test

TestCase {
    name: "FileInfo"

    function endsWith(str,pattern) {
        return str.substr(str.length-pattern.length,pattern.length) === pattern

    function startsWith(str,pattern) {
        return str.substr(0,pattern.length) === pattern