Kuesa Runtime

IroDiffuseHemiProperties QML Type

Kuesa::IroDiffuseHemiProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroDiffuseHemiMaterial instance. More...

Since: Kuesa 1.2
Instantiates: IroDiffuseHemiProperties


Detailed Description

Property Documentation

diffuseGain : float

Specifies the gain factor to be applied to the diffuse map lookup.

diffuseInnerFilter : QVector3D

Specifies the inner color filter to be applied based on fresnel on the diffuse map lookup.

diffuseOuterFilter : QVector3D

Specifies the outer color filter to be applied based on fresnel on the diffuse map lookup.

gltfYUp : bool

Specifies whether this material should consider the Y and Z axis as being inverted.

normalDisturb : QVector2D

Specifies a disturbance factor that will be added to the normal

normalScaling : QVector3D

Specifies a factor to be applied to the normal.

postGain : float

Specifies the gain factor to be applied to the final result.

postHemiFilter : QVector3D

Specifies the color to be applied to the lower hemisphere. It is multiplied like a negative diffuse light coming from below.

postVertexColor : float

Specifies the factor which controls how much of the per vertex color we want to transmit.

projectReflectionMap : bool

Specifies whether equirectangular projection should be used for lookups on the reflection map.

reflectionGain : float

Specifies the gain factor to be applied to the spherical environment map lookup.

reflectionInnerFilter : QVector3D

Specifies the inner color filter to be applied based on fresnel on the spherical environment map lookup.

reflectionOuterFilter : QVector3D

Specifies the outer color filter to be applied based on fresnel on the spherical environment map lookup.

usesDiffuseMap : bool

Specifies whether we use a diffuse map or not.

usesReflectionMap : bool

Specifies whether we use a reflection map or not.