Kuesa Runtime

GLTF2MaterialEffect QML Type

GLTF2MaterialEffect is a subclass of Qt3DRender::QEffect and is the base class of all GLTF2 based material effect subclasses. More...

Since: Kuesa 1.2
Instantiates: GLTF2MaterialEffect


Detailed Description

It holds properties to specify which features are enabled such as:

Property Documentation

alphaCutoffEnabled : bool

Returns whether alphaCutOffIsEnabled or not. If true, alpha cutoff is enabled. Fragments with an alpha value above a threshold are rendered as opaque while fragment an alpha value below the threshold are discarded.

Note: The threshold value used will be GLTF2MaterialProperties::alphaCutoff of the material properties set on the material that uses the effect.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.2.

doubleSided : bool

Returns whether the meshes to be rendered with this effect are double sided. If true, back face culling is disabled and the normals for the back faces are the same as for the front faces mulplied by -1

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.2.

opaque : bool

Returns whether the content to be draw is opaque or transparent. If false, alpha blending is enabled for this effect

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.2.

usingColorAttribute : bool

If true, the base color property is multiplied by the color interpolated attribute of the mesh

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.3.

usingMorphTargets : bool

If true, the morphtarget support is enabled.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.3.

usingNormalAttribute : bool

If true, the normal attribute provided by the mesh is used.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.3.

usingSkinning : bool

Returns whether vertex skinning is enabled or not. If true, a skinning enabled vertex shader is used instead of the default one. This allows to use this effect for rendering skinned meshes

Note: If enabled, CPU side frustum culling is not performed for the entities using that effect. Therefore, this should be enabled on effects used to render geometries where the CPU side computed bounding volume doesn't match what a standard vertex shader would compute (skyboxes, instancing ...). Additionally, the View::skinning property needs to be enabled on the View or ForwardRenderer for skinning effects to be taken into account.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.2.

usingTangentAttribute : bool

If true, the tangent attribute provided by the mesh is used.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.3.

usingTexCoord1Attribute : bool

If true, the texCoord1 attribute provided by the mesh is used.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.3.

usingTexCoordAttribute : bool

If true, the texCoord attribute provided by the mesh is used.

This property was introduced in Kuesa 1.3.