Building with CMake

In this example, we will demonstrate how to integrate CXX-Qt code into a C++ application using CMake. Cargo builds the CXX-Qt code as a static library, then CMake links it into a C++ executable.

If you don't want to use CMake, and only want to use Cargo to build your project, refer to the previous section.

We'll first want to modify our project structure to separate the different parts of our project.

  - cpp
  - qml
  - rust

Move the rust project into the rust folder. Pull out the qml folder back to the top level.

C++ executable

To start our QML application, we'll need a small main.cpp file with an ordinary main function. Put this in a cpp folder to clearly separate the C++ and Rust code:

#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtQml/QQmlApplicationEngine>

main(int argc, char* argv[])
  QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

  QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

  const QUrl url(
    [url](QObject* obj, const QUrl& objUrl) {
      if (!obj && url == objUrl)


  return app.exec();

You can add as much C++ code as you want in addition to this.

Using Rust QObjects in C++

For every #[cxx_qt::bridge] that we define in Rust, CXX-Qt will generate a corresponding C++ header file. To include any of the generated files, use the crates name as the include directory. The name of the header file will be the folder names, combined with the input rust file name of your #[cxx_qt::bridge], followed by .cxxqt.h. So in our case: #include <qml_minimal/src/cxxqt_object.cxxqt.h>

πŸ“ Note: any folders relative to the Cargo.toml file are considered hence the src folder.

Including the generated header allows us to access the MyObject C++ class, just like any other C++ class. Inherit from it, connect signals and slots to it, put it in a QVector, do whatever you want with it. That's the power of CXX-Qt.

Cargo setup

Before we can get started on building Qt with CMake, we first need to make our Cargo build ready for it. If you've generated your project with e.g. cargo new --lib qml_minimal or cargo init --lib [folder] command, your Cargo.toml should look something like this:

name = "qml_minimal"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"


We'll have to do multiple things:

  • Instruct cargo to create a static library
  • Add cxx, cxx-qt, as well as cxx-qt-lib as dependencies
  • Add cxx-qt-build as a build dependency

If you've already followed the Cargo setup, most of this should already be done. Make sure to change the crate-type to "staticlib" though!

In the end, your Cargo.toml should look similar to this.

name = "qml_minimal"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [
  "Andrew Hayzen <>",
  "Gerhard de Clercq <>",
  "Leon Matthes <>"
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

# This will instruct Cargo to create a static
# library which CMake can link against
crate-type = ["staticlib"]

cxx = "1.0.95"
cxx-qt = "0.7"
cxx-qt-lib = { version="0.7", features = ["qt_full"] }

# The link_qt_object_files feature is required for statically linking Qt 6.
cxx-qt-build = { version = "0.7", features = [ "link_qt_object_files" ] }

We'll then also need to add a script named next to the Cargo.toml:

If you've already followed the Cargo build tutorial, simply modify the existing file.

use cxx_qt_build::{CxxQtBuilder, QmlModule};

fn main() {
        .qml_module(QmlModule {
            uri: "com.kdab.cxx_qt.demo",
            rust_files: &["src/"],
            qml_files: &["../qml/main.qml"],

This is what generates and compiles the C++ code for our MyObject class at build time.

Every Rust source file that uses the #[cxx_qt::bridge] macro need to be included in this script. In our case, this is only the src/ file.

This is also where the QML module is defined with a QML URI and version. The files and resources in the module are then exposed in the same way as the qt_add_qml_module CMake function.

Note that in order for CXX-Qt to work, the qmake executable must be located. This is because CXX-Qt relies on qmake to locate the necessary Qt libraries and header files on your system.

Usually, the CMake code that CXX-Qt provides you to import a crate should already take care of this.

To overwrite the path to qmake, you may pass the QMAKE option to cxx_qt_import_crate, ensuring that CMake and Cargo use the same Qt binaries.

We'll also need to remove the src/ and replace it with a src/ file. This file only needs to include a single line:

pub mod cxxqt_object;

This simply ensures that our rust module is included in our library.

Feel free to add additional rust modules in your library as well.

CMake setup

Now add a CMakeLists.txt file in the root of your project folder. Start the CMakeLists.txt file like any other C++ project using Qt. For this example, we are supporting both Qt5 and Qt6 with CMake:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24)


# Rust always links against non-debug Windows runtime on *-msvc targets
# Note it is best to set this on the command line to ensure all targets are consistent


set(CXXQT_QTCOMPONENTS Core Gui Qml QuickControls2 QuickTest Test)

Download CXX-Qts CMake code with FetchContent:

find_package(CxxQt QUIET)
        GIT_TAG v0.7.0


This provides you with a few wrappers around Corrosion, a tool for integrating Rust libraries into CMake:

  1. cxx_qt_import_crate - A wrapper around corrosion_import_crate. It supports the same arguments as corrosion_import_crate, with three new arguments:
    • QT_MODULES (required) - The Qt modules to link to. Specify the corresponding CMake targets here.
    • CXX_QT_EXPORT_DIR (optional) - Manually specify the path where CXX-Qt artifacts will be exported to.
      • This is usually not necessary. However, if you're importing the same crate with different feature sets in the same CMake build configuration, you will need to specify seperate CXX_QT_EXPORT_DIRs to avoid multiple versions of the crate exporting to the same directory.
    • QMAKE (optional) - Override the path to the QMAKE executable
  2. cxx_qt_import_qml_module - This function imports a QML modules as a new target. It requires the following arguments:
    • TARGET_NAME - Specify the name of the CMake target that this function will create
    • URI - The URI of the qml module to import - this needs to exactly match the URI in the CxxQtBuilder::qml_module call in your build script.
    • SOURCE_CRATE The crate that exports the QML module (this crate must have been imported with cxx_qt_import_crate).
# CXX-Qt (using Corrosion) creates a CMake target with the same name as the crate.
    MANIFEST_PATH rust/Cargo.toml 
    CRATES qml_minimal 
    QT_MODULES Qt::Core Qt::Gui Qt::Qml Qt::QuickControls2)

    URI "com.kdab.cxx_qt.demo"
    SOURCE_CRATE qml_minimal)

This will create two new CMake targets:

  1. qml_minimal - The static library exported by our crate
  2. qml_minimal_qml_module - The QML Module exported by our crate
    • The _qml_module target will automatically link to the qml_minimal target, so linking to the _qml_module is sufficient for our executable target

Finally, we can create the CMake executable target and link it to our crate:

    add_executable(example_qml_minimal cpp/main.cpp)

# Link to the qml module, which in turn links to the Rust qml_minimal library
target_link_libraries(example_qml_minimal PRIVATE qml_minimal_qml_module)

# If we are using a statically linked Qt then we need to import any qml plugins

Your project should now have a structure similar to this:

$ tree -I target/ -I tests
β”œβ”€β”€ CMakeLists.txt
β”œβ”€β”€ cpp
β”‚Β Β  └── main.cpp
β”œβ”€β”€ qml
β”‚Β Β  └── main.qml
└── rust
    β”œβ”€β”€ Cargo.toml
    └── src

5 directories, 7 files

Build the project like any other CMake project:

$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build

If this fails for any reason, take a look at the examples/qml_minimal folder, which contains the complete example code.

This should now configure and compile our project. If this was successful, you can now run our little project.

$ ./build/examples/qml_minimal/example_qml_minimal

You should now see the two Labels that display the state of our MyObject, as well as the two buttons to call our two Rust functions.

Windows with MSVC

If you're building CXX-Qt on Windows using MSVC generator, you need to ensure that set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreadedDLL") is set in CMake (or use the -DCMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreadedDLL flag) when building with the Debug configuration. This flag is necessary to ensure that the correct C Runtime Library is used. Then you can build using cmake --build build --config Debug.

This issue is caused by a bug in the cc crate (as described in this pull request), which has not been merged yet. Specifically, the problem is that cc generated code always links to the MultiThreaded runtime, even when building in Debug mode. We hope that this step won't be necessary in the future, once the cc crate fix is merged and released.