Our first CXX-Qt module

As with all things Rust, we'll want to create a cargo project. Run the following command inside a tutorial folder to initialize the Rust part of the project.

$ cargo new qml_minimal
$ cd qml_minimal

If you want to skip building with Cargo and try building with CMake directly you can add the --lib option here. That will make it easier to create a static library in Rust and use CMake to link this into a C++ executable. We'll discuss details of this later, when we integrate our Rust project with CMake

Building with Cargo is easier to start with, so if in doubt, try building with Cargo first.

As outlined in the previous section, to use CXX-Qt, we'll create a Rust module within this crate. This Rust module will then serve as our interface between Qt and Rust. First, in the src/main.rs, we tell Cargo about the module we're about to create:

pub mod cxxqt_object;

Now, we need to create a file rust/src/cxxqt_object.rs for that module. It will include our #[cxx_qt::bridge] that allows us to interact with Qt concepts.

This is a lot to take in, so let's go one step at a time.

/// The bridge definition for our QObject
pub mod qobject {

    unsafe extern "C++" {
        /// An alias to the QString type
        type QString = cxx_qt_lib::QString;

    unsafe extern "RustQt" {
        // The QObject definition
        // We tell CXX-Qt that we want a QObject class with the name MyObject
        // based on the Rust struct MyObjectRust.
        #[qproperty(i32, number)]
        #[qproperty(QString, string)]
        #[namespace = "my_object"]
        type MyObject = super::MyObjectRust;

    unsafe extern "RustQt" {
        // Declare the invokable methods we want to expose on the QObject
        #[cxx_name = "incrementNumber"]
        fn increment_number(self: Pin<&mut MyObject>);

        #[cxx_name = "sayHi"]
        fn say_hi(self: &MyObject, string: &QString, number: i32);

use core::pin::Pin;
use cxx_qt_lib::QString;

/// The Rust struct for the QObject
pub struct MyObjectRust {
    number: i32,
    string: QString,

impl qobject::MyObject {
    /// Increment the number Q_PROPERTY
    pub fn increment_number(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        let previous = *self.number();
        self.set_number(previous + 1);

    /// Print a log message with the given string and number
    pub fn say_hi(&self, string: &QString, number: i32) {
        println!("Hi from Rust! String is '{string}' and number is {number}");

CXX-Qt bridge module

Starting with the module definition:

/// The bridge definition for our QObject
pub mod qobject {
    // ...

A #[cxx_qt::bridge] is the same as a #[cxx::bridge] and you can use all features of CXX in it. Additionally, a #[cxx_qt::bridge] gives you a few more features that allow you to create QObjects from Rust or declare existing QObjects for access from Rust.

extern "RustQt"

Like extern "Rust" and extern "C++" in CXX, CXX-Qt provides extern "RustQt" and extern "C++Qt".

These extern blocks instruct CXX-Qt to where the implementation of our interface lives. Anything that is marked as extern "RustQt" is implemented in Rust and will be exposed to C++. Conversely, anything inside extern "C++Qt" is implemented in C++ and will be exposed to Rust.

QObject struct

First we will create a new QObject subclass. As we want to implement it in Rust, we need to place our interface inside extern "RustQt".

To create a new QObject subclass that will be defined in Rust, use a type-alias and mark it with #[qobject]. In our case the new class will be named MyObject and will be backed by a Rust struct named MyObjectRust.

    unsafe extern "RustQt" {
        // The QObject definition
        // We tell CXX-Qt that we want a QObject class with the name MyObject
        // based on the Rust struct MyObjectRust.
        #[qproperty(i32, number)]
        #[qproperty(QString, string)]
        #[namespace = "my_object"]
        type MyObject = super::MyObjectRust;

The Rust struct must be defined outside the bridge module and is therefore referred to using super::. This just needs to be a normal Rust struct and can contain any kind of field, even Rust-only types that are not compatible with CXX.

Unless we want to use CXX-Qt's Constructor feature we just need to ensure that this struct implements Rusts Default trait In this case we can just use #[derive(Default)] on the struct.

pub struct MyObjectRust {
    number: i32,
    string: QString,

Now the #[qobject] macro will take care of creating a new QObject subclass named MyObject. Every instance of MyObject will include an instance of the MyObjectRust struct that can be used to work with data defined in Rust.

To automatically export this new class to QML, we mark it with the #[qml_element] attribute. This is the same as specifying QML_ELEMENT in C++. We later define a QML module for our type when building with Cargo or CMake.

The #[qproperty] attribute will create a Q_PROPERTY for the given type and field name. CXX-Qt will then:

  1. Create the Q_PROPERTY on the QObject type.
  2. Create a NOTIFY signal for when the property changes.
  3. Generate getters and setters that use the underlying Rust fields and emit the NOTIFY signal on changes.

In this case the newly created QObject subclass will have two properties: number and string. CXX-Qt expects a field for each property to exist in the underlying Rust struct. For names that contain multiple words, like my_number, CXX-Qt allows you to rename the property in C++ with a custom cxx_name or rust_name. See the property documentation for more information.


Please note that any fields exposed as #[qproperty] must have types that CXX can translate to C++ types. In our case that means:

  • #[qproperty(i32, number)]Q_PROPERTY(::std::int32_t number ...)
  • #[qproperty(QString, string)Q_PROPERTY(QString string ...)

For i32, CXX-Qt already knows how to translate it. A QString however is unknown to CXX. Luckily, the cxx_qt_lib crate already wraps many Qt types for us. We can just include them in the bridge like any other CXX type:

    unsafe extern "C++" {
        /// An alias to the QString type
        type QString = cxx_qt_lib::QString;

For more details on the available types, see the Qt types page.

With our completed QObject definition, CXX-Qt will automatically generate a new QObject subclass called MyObject and expose it as an extern "C++" opaque type back to Rust. In our case, this means we can refer to the C++ QObject as qobject::MyObject, as it is defined inside the mod qobject.

This qobject::MyObject type can be used like any other CXX opaque type.


Additionally, CXX-Qt allows us to add functionality to this QObject by referring to the type as the self type of functions in an extern "RustQt" block.

    unsafe extern "RustQt" {
        // Declare the invokable methods we want to expose on the QObject
        #[cxx_name = "incrementNumber"]
        fn increment_number(self: Pin<&mut MyObject>);

        #[cxx_name = "sayHi"]
        fn say_hi(self: &MyObject, string: &QString, number: i32);

This works the same as exposing any other member function with CXX in an extern "Rust" block. Additionally, CXX-Qt understands the #[qinvokable] attribute and marks the member function as Q_INVOKABLE. This means they can be called from QML.

These functions then need to be implemented outside the bridge using impl qobject::MyObject.

impl qobject::MyObject {
    /// Increment the number Q_PROPERTY
    pub fn increment_number(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        let previous = *self.number();
        self.set_number(previous + 1);

    /// Print a log message with the given string and number
    pub fn say_hi(&self, string: &QString, number: i32) {
        println!("Hi from Rust! String is '{string}' and number is {number}");

This setup is a bit unusual, as the type qobject::MyObject is actually defined in C++. However, it is still possible to add member functions to it in Rust and then expose them back to C++. This is the usual workflow for QObjects in CXX-Qt. CXX-Qt will define the QObject class itself in C++, but defer to Rust for any behavior.

📝 Best Practice: We recommend calling the bridge module qobject instead of the CXX-typical ffi. This way accessing the C++ QObject outside the bridge becomes a natural qobject::MyObject instead of ffi::MyObject.

Feel free to choose any module name you like though.

Also do not forget to import everything required for the invokable implementation.

use core::pin::Pin;
use cxx_qt_lib::QString;

In our case, we define two new functions:

  • increment_number
    • Increments the number of the MyObject.
    • The name will be converted to incrementNumber in C++.
  • say_hello
    • Prints a provided number and string.
    • The name will be converted to sayHello in C++.

Because we are implementing on the qobject::MyObject type instead of the MyObject type, self here is the C++ QObject that is generated from our MyObject struct. As this type is a CXX Opaque type, we can't actually instantiate it. Our Qt code will take care of this. Also, we can't move the QObject, which is why it is behind a Rust Pin.

CXX-Qt will generate getters and setters for all properties of our struct. That's where the number() and set_number() functions used by increment_number() come from. See the QProperty section for details on user defined properties.

For more details on what you can do with the QObject from Rust and what functions CXX-Qt will generate for you, take a look at the QObject page.

And that's it. We've defined our first QObject subclass in Rust. That wasn't so hard, was it?

Now let's get to using it in Qt.