Nested Objects

Rust Qt objects can be nested as properties or parameters of each other.

A nested object is referred to by using a pointer to its QObject representation.

First define a type within an extern block for your bridge as normal.

    extern "RustQt" {
        #[qproperty(i32, counter)]
        type InnerObject = super::InnerObjectRust;

This can then be used as a property, invokable parameter, or signal parameter by using *mut T. As seen in the example below which nests InnerObject into OuterObject.

The C++ CXX type needs to be used as the T type not the Rust struct

To reach mutable invokables and property setters of the nested object *mut T needs to be converted to Pin<&mut T>.

#[cxx_qt::bridge(cxx_file_stem = "nested_qobjects")]
pub mod qobject {
    extern "RustQt" {
        #[qproperty(i32, counter)]
        type InnerObject = super::InnerObjectRust;

    extern "RustQt" {
        /// A signal showing how to refer to another QObject as an argument
        /// # Safety
        /// Due to a raw pointer this is considered unsafe in CXX
        unsafe fn called(self: Pin<&mut InnerObject>, inner: *mut InnerObject);

    extern "RustQt" {
        #[qproperty(*mut InnerObject, inner)]
        type OuterObject = super::OuterObjectRust;

        /// A signal showing how to refer to another QObject as an argument
        /// # Safety
        /// Due to a raw pointer this is considered unsafe in CXX
        unsafe fn called(self: Pin<&mut OuterObject>, inner: *mut InnerObject);

    unsafe extern "RustQt" {
        /// Print the count of the given inner QObject
        unsafe fn print_count(self: Pin<&mut OuterObject>, inner: *mut InnerObject);

        /// Reset the counter of the inner QObject stored in the Q_PROPERTY
        fn reset(self: Pin<&mut OuterObject>);

    impl cxx_qt::Constructor<()> for OuterObject {}

use core::pin::Pin;

/// The inner QObject
pub struct InnerObjectRust {
    counter: i32,

/// The outer QObject which has a Q_PROPERTY pointing to the inner QObject
pub struct OuterObjectRust {
    inner: *mut qobject::InnerObject,

impl Default for OuterObjectRust {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: std::ptr::null_mut(),

impl qobject::OuterObject {
    /// Print the count of the given inner QObject
    /// # Safety
    /// As we deref a pointer in a public method this needs to be marked as unsafe
    pub unsafe fn print_count(self: Pin<&mut Self>, inner: *mut qobject::InnerObject) {
        if let Some(inner) = inner.as_ref() {
            println!("Inner object's counter property: {}", inner.counter());


    /// Reset the counter of the inner QObject stored in the Q_PROPERTY
    pub fn reset(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        // We need to convert the *mut T to a Pin<&mut T> so that we can reach the methods
        if let Some(inner) = unsafe { self.inner().as_mut() } {
            let pinned_inner = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(inner) };
            // Now pinned inner can be used as normal

        // Retrieve *mut T
        let inner = *self.inner();
        unsafe { self.called(inner) };

impl cxx_qt::Initialize for qobject::OuterObject {
    /// Initialize the QObject, creating a connection from one signal to another
    fn initialize(self: core::pin::Pin<&mut Self>) {
        // Example of connecting a signal from one QObject to another QObject
        // this causes OuterObject::Called to trigger InnerObject::Called
        self.on_called(|qobject, obj| {
            // We need to convert the *mut T to a Pin<&mut T> so that we can reach the methods
            if let Some(inner) = unsafe { qobject.inner().as_mut() } {
                let pinned_inner = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(inner) };
                // Now pinned inner can be used as normal
                unsafe {