Kuesa Runtime

UnlitProperties Class

class Kuesa::UnlitProperties

Kuesa::UnlitProperties hold the properties of a simple material without shading. It implements the KHR_materials_unlit extension from glTF 2.0. More...

Header: #include <Kuesa/UnlitProperties>
Since: Kuesa 1.1
Instantiated By: UnlitProperties
Inherits: Kuesa::GLTF2MaterialProperties

This class was introduced in Kuesa 1.1.

Detailed Description

The UnlitProperties consists of the following properties:

For a particular point of an object, the base color is computed as baseColorFactor*baseColorMap*vertexColor. The vertexColor is the interpolated value of the vertex color property of the mesh to which the material is applied.

Kuesa::UnlitProperties also supports alpha blending and alpha cutoff. Alpha blending is used to simulate transparent materials, like a glass, while alpha cutoff is used to discard fragment that have an alpha value below a threshold. This is useful to render grass or trees for example.

Kuesa::UnlitProperties supports two texture coordinate sets for each map. To specify the texture coordinate set a map must use, you can set the <map>UsesTexCoord1 property to true or false. If it's false, it will use the 0th coordinate set of the primitive, attached to 'defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName` attribute. If it's true, it will use the 1st coordinate set of the primitive, attached to 'defaultTextureCoordinate1AttributeName`.

A more complete description of the material can be found in https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions/2.0/Khronos/KHR_materials_unlit