Small library to initialize spdlog loggers from a toml configuration file.
setup.cpp File Reference
#include "setup.h"
#include <iostream>
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 The only public-facing namespace in the library.
 This namespace contains the functions directly called by KDSPDSetup::setupFrom, along with helpers called by those functions. The file which contains the definitions for members of KDSPDSetup::setup, setup.h, is included in the implementation file kdspdsetup.cpp The functions defined in this namespace make use of the members of namespace KDSPDSetup::details, defined in details.h.


void KDSPDSetup::setup::handleMultipleFileSink (toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, spdlog::sink_ptr &sinkPtr, bool const &truncate)
 Helper function for setting up sinks that use multiple files. The function extracts values for base_filename and max_files from the given table, which are needed by the constructors of these types of sinks. Based on the type specified in typeStr, either KDSPDSetup::details::genFromRotateStr or KDSPDSetup::details::genFromDailyStr are invoked with these values. This function is called by KDSPDSetup::setup::handleTruncatableSink when typeStr specifies a rotating or daily file sink. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::handleTruncatableSink (toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, spdlog::sink_ptr &sinkPtr)
 Helper function for setting up file-based sinks that require a truncate argument in their constructor. Further narrows down the type after determining value of truncate and calls either KDSPDSetup::details::genFromFileStr or KDSPDSetup::setup::handleMultipleFileSink. This function is invoked by KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink (toml::table &&sinkTable)
 Given a table representation of a sink, creates an spdlog::sink_ptr, and evaluates the type of sink specified in the table. Based on the type, calls additional functions to parse type-specific fields and construct the sink with the correct constructor. Adds the resultant sink to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap, which is used to obtain sink pointers by name when constructing loggers. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSinks (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, extract vector of tables representing every sink specified. Call KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink on each table in the vector to create an spdlog sink for each. These sinks are put into KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap, which is later indexed when constructing loggers to obtain the named sink pointers. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupPatterns (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, search for the key global_pattern. If it exists, use its string value as the global pattern for spdlog by passing it to spdlog::set_pattern. Search again for a table called pattern. If found, extract vector of tables representing every pattern specified. For each table in the vector, add the name and pattern format string specified to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mPatternMap. This map is used when constructing loggers that will use non-global patterns to format messages, allowing indexing of format strings by name. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupThreadPools (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, search for a table global_thread_pool, and initialize it with the specified queue size and thread count fields by calling spdlog::init_thread_pool. Search again for a table thread_pool. If found, extract vector of tables representing every threadpool specified. For each table in the vector, add the name, queue size, and thread count specified to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mThreadPoolMap. This map is used to index threadpool information by name when constructing asynchronous loggers. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::registerAsynchronousLogger (toml::table const &loggerTable, toml::string const &name, std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &sinkList, toml::string const &pattern)
 Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> initialized with name, the sink pointers in sinklist, a thread pool pointer, and an overflow policy. The thread pool pointer is constructed with values obtained by indexing KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mThreadPoolMap by the specified thread_pool name in loggerTable. If not specified, the thread pool is set to spdlog::thread_pool(). The overflow policy is searched for in loggerTable, and defaults to "block" if not found. The function also sets a formatting pattern if pattern is nonempty before registering the logger by calling spdlog::register_logger. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::registerSynchronousLogger (toml::table const &loggerTable, toml::string const &name, std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &sinkList, toml::string const &pattern)
 Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> initialized with name and the sink pointers in sinklist, sets the logger's pattern if nonempty and level if specified in loggerTable, and registers the logger by calling spdlog::register_logger on the shared_ptr. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLogger (toml::table const &loggerTable)
 Given a table representation of a logger whose name is not already registered with spdlog, evaluates whether the logger's specified type is asynchronous or not, and calls either KDSPDSetup::setup::registerAsynchronousLogger or KDSPDSetup::setup::registerSynchronousLogger accordingly. These functions are called with loggerTable, the specified name, a list of sink pointers, and the specified pattern, if found. The list of sink pointers is obtained by indexing KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap with names specified in a list in the loggerTable. More...
void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLoggers (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, extract vector of tables representing every logger specified. Call KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLogger on each table in the vector to create and register an spdlog logger for each. The loggers should then be available through spdlog::get. More...