Small library to initialize spdlog loggers from a toml configuration file.
KDSPDSetup::setup Namespace Reference

This namespace contains the functions directly called by KDSPDSetup::setupFrom, along with helpers called by those functions. The file which contains the definitions for members of KDSPDSetup::setup, setup.h, is included in the implementation file kdspdsetup.cpp The functions defined in this namespace make use of the members of namespace KDSPDSetup::details, defined in details.h. More...


void handleMultipleFileSink (toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, spdlog::sink_ptr &sinkPtr, bool const &truncate)
 Helper function for setting up sinks that use multiple files. The function extracts values for base_filename and max_files from the given table, which are needed by the constructors of these types of sinks. Based on the type specified in typeStr, either KDSPDSetup::details::genFromRotateStr or KDSPDSetup::details::genFromDailyStr are invoked with these values. This function is called by KDSPDSetup::setup::handleTruncatableSink when typeStr specifies a rotating or daily file sink. More...
void handleTruncatableSink (toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, spdlog::sink_ptr &sinkPtr)
 Helper function for setting up file-based sinks that require a truncate argument in their constructor. Further narrows down the type after determining value of truncate and calls either KDSPDSetup::details::genFromFileStr or KDSPDSetup::setup::handleMultipleFileSink. This function is invoked by KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink. More...
void setupSink (toml::table &&sinkTable)
 Given a table representation of a sink, creates an spdlog::sink_ptr, and evaluates the type of sink specified in the table. Based on the type, calls additional functions to parse type-specific fields and construct the sink with the correct constructor. Adds the resultant sink to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap, which is used to obtain sink pointers by name when constructing loggers. More...
void setupSinks (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, extract vector of tables representing every sink specified. Call KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink on each table in the vector to create an spdlog sink for each. These sinks are put into KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap, which is later indexed when constructing loggers to obtain the named sink pointers. More...
void setupPatterns (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, search for the key global_pattern. If it exists, use its string value as the global pattern for spdlog by passing it to spdlog::set_pattern. Search again for a table called pattern. If found, extract vector of tables representing every pattern specified. For each table in the vector, add the name and pattern format string specified to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mPatternMap. This map is used when constructing loggers that will use non-global patterns to format messages, allowing indexing of format strings by name. More...
void setupThreadPools (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, search for a table global_thread_pool, and initialize it with the specified queue size and thread count fields by calling spdlog::init_thread_pool. Search again for a table thread_pool. If found, extract vector of tables representing every threadpool specified. For each table in the vector, add the name, queue size, and thread count specified to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mThreadPoolMap. This map is used to index threadpool information by name when constructing asynchronous loggers. More...
void registerAsynchronousLogger (toml::table const &loggerTable, toml::string const &name, std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &sinkList, toml::string const &pattern)
 Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> initialized with name, the sink pointers in sinklist, a thread pool pointer, and an overflow policy. The thread pool pointer is constructed with values obtained by indexing KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mThreadPoolMap by the specified thread_pool name in loggerTable. If not specified, the thread pool is set to spdlog::thread_pool(). The overflow policy is searched for in loggerTable, and defaults to "block" if not found. The function also sets a formatting pattern if pattern is nonempty before registering the logger by calling spdlog::register_logger. More...
void registerSynchronousLogger (toml::table const &loggerTable, toml::string const &name, std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &sinkList, toml::string const &pattern)
 Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> initialized with name and the sink pointers in sinklist, sets the logger's pattern if nonempty and level if specified in loggerTable, and registers the logger by calling spdlog::register_logger on the shared_ptr. More...
void setupLogger (toml::table const &loggerTable)
 Given a table representation of a logger whose name is not already registered with spdlog, evaluates whether the logger's specified type is asynchronous or not, and calls either KDSPDSetup::setup::registerAsynchronousLogger or KDSPDSetup::setup::registerSynchronousLogger accordingly. These functions are called with loggerTable, the specified name, a list of sink pointers, and the specified pattern, if found. The list of sink pointers is obtained by indexing KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap with names specified in a list in the loggerTable. More...
void setupLoggers (toml::value const &data)
 Using data read from a toml file, extract vector of tables representing every logger specified. Call KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLogger on each table in the vector to create and register an spdlog logger for each. The loggers should then be available through spdlog::get. More...

Detailed Description

This namespace contains the functions directly called by KDSPDSetup::setupFrom, along with helpers called by those functions. The file which contains the definitions for members of KDSPDSetup::setup, setup.h, is included in the implementation file kdspdsetup.cpp The functions defined in this namespace make use of the members of namespace KDSPDSetup::details, defined in details.h.

Function Documentation

◆ handleMultipleFileSink()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::handleMultipleFileSink ( toml::string &&  typeStr,
toml::table &&  sinkTable,
spdlog::sink_ptr &  sinkPtr,
bool const &  truncate 

Helper function for setting up sinks that use multiple files. The function extracts values for base_filename and max_files from the given table, which are needed by the constructors of these types of sinks. Based on the type specified in typeStr, either KDSPDSetup::details::genFromRotateStr or KDSPDSetup::details::genFromDailyStr are invoked with these values. This function is called by KDSPDSetup::setup::handleTruncatableSink when typeStr specifies a rotating or daily file sink.

typeStrString of the sink's type, which is checked against string vectors in KDSPDSetup::details
sinkTabletoml11 table representation for a particular sink specified in a configuration file.
sinkPtrAn uninitialized sink pointer, which will be passed to functions that construct a sink. This pointer is eventually put into KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap at the bottom of KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink.
truncateThe value for truncate obtained in caller KDSPDSetup::setup::handleTruncatableSink.

Definition at line 18 of file setup.cpp.

19 {
20  auto baseFilename = sinkTable.at("base_filename").as_string();
21  auto maxFiles = (sinkTable.contains("max_files")) ? static_cast<uint16_t>(sinkTable.at("max_files").as_integer()) : uint16_t{ 0 };
24  sinkPtr = details::genFromRotateStr(std::move(typeStr), std::move(sinkTable), std::move(baseFilename), maxFiles);
25  }
27  else if (details::inTypelist(typeStr, details::dailyStrs)) {
28  sinkPtr = details::genFromDailyStr(std::move(typeStr), std::move(sinkTable), truncate, std::move(baseFilename), maxFiles);
29  }
30 }
static auto const dailyStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog daily file sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a TOML t...
Definition: details.h:73
auto genFromDailyStr(toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, bool const &truncate, toml::string &&baseFilename, uint16_t const &maxFiles) -> spdlog::sink_ptr
Return the result of calling KDSPDSetup::details::createDailyFileSinkPtr with the correct template ar...
Definition: details.cpp:147
bool inTypelist(std::string const &typeStr, std::vector< std::string > const &strList)
Returns true if a string typeStr is present in a vector strList, and false if not....
Definition: details.cpp:39
static auto const rotateStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog rotating file sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a TOM...
Definition: details.h:66
auto genFromRotateStr(toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, toml::string &&baseFilename, std::size_t const &maxFiles) -> spdlog::sink_ptr
Return the result of calling KDSPDSetup::details::createRotatingFileSinkPtr with the correct template...
Definition: details.cpp:134
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleTruncatableSink()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::handleTruncatableSink ( toml::string &&  typeStr,
toml::table &&  sinkTable,
spdlog::sink_ptr &  sinkPtr 

Helper function for setting up file-based sinks that require a truncate argument in their constructor. Further narrows down the type after determining value of truncate and calls either KDSPDSetup::details::genFromFileStr or KDSPDSetup::setup::handleMultipleFileSink. This function is invoked by KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink.

typeStrString of the sink's type, which is checked against string vectors in KDSPDSetup::details
sinkTabletoml11 table representation for a particular sink specified in a configuration file.
sinkPtrAn uninitialized sink pointer, which will be passed to functions that construct a sink. This pointer is eventually put into KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap at the bottom of KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink.

Definition at line 32 of file setup.cpp.

33 {
34  auto const truncate = (sinkTable.contains("truncate")) ? sinkTable.at("truncate").as_boolean() : false;
36  if (details::inTypelist(typeStr, details::fileStrs)) {
37  sinkPtr = details::genFromFileStr(std::move(typeStr), std::move(sinkTable), truncate);
39  handleMultipleFileSink(std::move(typeStr), std::move(sinkTable), sinkPtr, truncate);
40  }
41 }
static auto const fileStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog basic file sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a TOML t...
Definition: details.h:59
auto genFromFileStr(toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, bool const &truncate) -> spdlog::sink_ptr
Return the result of calling KDSPDSetup::details::createFileSinkPtr with the correct template argumen...
Definition: details.cpp:122
void handleMultipleFileSink(toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, spdlog::sink_ptr &sinkPtr, bool const &truncate)
Helper function for setting up sinks that use multiple files. The function extracts values for base_f...
Definition: setup.cpp:18
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerAsynchronousLogger()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::registerAsynchronousLogger ( toml::table const &  loggerTable,
toml::string const &  name,
std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &  sinkList,
toml::string const &  pattern 

Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> initialized with name, the sink pointers in sinklist, a thread pool pointer, and an overflow policy. The thread pool pointer is constructed with values obtained by indexing KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mThreadPoolMap by the specified thread_pool name in loggerTable. If not specified, the thread pool is set to spdlog::thread_pool(). The overflow policy is searched for in loggerTable, and defaults to "block" if not found. The function also sets a formatting pattern if pattern is nonempty before registering the logger by calling spdlog::register_logger.

loggerTabletoml11 table representation for a particular logger specified in a configuration file.
nameA string with the name of the logger. This name is used to construct the logger and access it with spdlog::get.
sinkListA vector of spdlog::sink_ptr objects to use as the sinks for the logger.
patternThe format string for messages the logger will output. If empty, the logger uses the global pattern set up earlier in KDSPDSetup::setup::setupPatterns, or spdlog's default pattern if the global pattern was not created.

Definition at line 150 of file setup.cpp.

152 {
153  auto const threadPool = (loggerTable.contains("thread_pool")) ? loggerTable.at("thread_pool").as_string() : "";
155  static std::shared_ptr<spdlog::details::thread_pool> threadPoolPtr;
157  if (threadPool != "") {
158  if (!details::SPDMaps::threadPoolMap().contains(threadPool))
159  throw std::out_of_range("KDSPDSetup: threadpool "s + threadPool.str + " not found"s);
161  auto const threadPoolPair = details::SPDMaps::threadPoolMap().at(threadPool);
162  auto const queueSize = threadPoolPair.first;
163  auto const numThreads = threadPoolPair.second;
164  threadPoolPtr = std::make_shared<spdlog::details::thread_pool>(queueSize, numThreads);
165  } else {
166  threadPoolPtr = spdlog::thread_pool();
167  }
169  auto const overflowPolicy =
170  (loggerTable.contains("overflow_policy")) ? loggerTable.at("overflow_policy").as_string() : "block";
172  if (!details::overflowMap.contains(overflowPolicy))
173  throw std::out_of_range("KDSPDSetup: overflow policy "s + overflowPolicy.str + " not found"s);
175  auto logger = std::make_shared<spdlog::async_logger>(name, sinkList.begin(), sinkList.end(), std::move(threadPoolPtr),
176  details::overflowMap.at(overflowPolicy));
178  if (pattern != "") {
179  logger->set_pattern(pattern);
180  }
182  spdlog::register_logger(logger);
183 }
static auto const overflowMap
A simple map associating strings of spdlog::async_overflow_policy names to the enums themselves....
Definition: details.h:118
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerSynchronousLogger()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::registerSynchronousLogger ( toml::table const &  loggerTable,
toml::string const &  name,
std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &  sinkList,
toml::string const &  pattern 

Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> initialized with name and the sink pointers in sinklist, sets the logger's pattern if nonempty and level if specified in loggerTable, and registers the logger by calling spdlog::register_logger on the shared_ptr.

loggerTabletoml11 table representation for a particular logger specified in a configuration file.
nameA string with the name of the logger. This name is used to construct the logger and access it with spdlog::get.
sinkListA vector of spdlog::sink_ptr objects to use as the sinks for the logger.
patternThe format string for messages the logger will output. If empty, the logger uses the global pattern set up earlier in KDSPDSetup::setup::setupPatterns, or spdlog's default pattern if the global pattern was not created.

Definition at line 185 of file setup.cpp.

187 {
188  auto logger = std::make_shared<spdlog::logger>(name, sinkList.cbegin(), sinkList.cend());
189  if (pattern != "") {
190  logger->set_pattern(static_cast<std::string>(pattern));
191  }
193  if (loggerTable.contains("level")) {
194  auto const level = loggerTable.at("level").as_string();
196  if (!details::levelMap.contains(level))
197  throw std::out_of_range("KDSPDSetup: level "s + level.str + " not found"s);
199  logger->set_level(details::levelMap.at(level));
200  }
202  spdlog::register_logger(logger);
203 }
static auto const levelMap
A simple map associating strings of spdlog::level::level_enum names to the enums themselves....
Definition: details.h:101
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupLogger()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLogger ( toml::table const &  loggerTable)

Given a table representation of a logger whose name is not already registered with spdlog, evaluates whether the logger's specified type is asynchronous or not, and calls either KDSPDSetup::setup::registerAsynchronousLogger or KDSPDSetup::setup::registerSynchronousLogger accordingly. These functions are called with loggerTable, the specified name, a list of sink pointers, and the specified pattern, if found. The list of sink pointers is obtained by indexing KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap with names specified in a list in the loggerTable.

loggerTabletoml11 table representation for a particular logger specified in a configuration file. Passed in by KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLoggers.

Definition at line 205 of file setup.cpp.

206 {
207  auto const name = loggerTable.at("name").as_string();
208  if (spdlog::get(name) != nullptr) {
209  return;
210  }
212  auto const sinks = loggerTable.at("sinks").as_array();
214  auto sinkList = std::vector<spdlog::sink_ptr>{};
215  for (auto &&sink : sinks) {
216  if (details::SPDMaps::sinkMap().contains(sink.as_string())) {
217  sinkList.emplace_back(details::SPDMaps::sinkMap().at(sink.as_string()));
218  } else {
219  // ignore sink instead of throwing, but notify that this happens
220  std::cerr << "KDSPDSetup: setting up logger " << name
221  << " - skipped sink " << sink.as_string().str << " as it was not found";
222  }
223  }
225  std::string pattern = "";
227  if (loggerTable.contains("pattern")) {
228  if (!details::SPDMaps::patternMap().contains(loggerTable.at("pattern").as_string()))
229  throw std::out_of_range("KDSPDSetup: pattern "s + loggerTable.at("pattern").as_string().str + " not found"s);
231  pattern = details::SPDMaps::patternMap().at(loggerTable.at("pattern").as_string());
232  }
234  auto const type = (loggerTable.contains("type")) ? loggerTable.at("type").as_string() : "";
236  if (type == "async") {
237  registerAsynchronousLogger(loggerTable, name, sinkList, pattern);
238  } else {
239  registerSynchronousLogger(loggerTable, name, sinkList, pattern);
240  }
241 }
void registerSynchronousLogger(toml::table const &loggerTable, toml::string const &name, std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &sinkList, toml::string const &pattern)
Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> initialized with name and the sink pointers in sinklist,...
Definition: setup.cpp:185
void registerAsynchronousLogger(toml::table const &loggerTable, toml::string const &name, std::vector< spdlog::sink_ptr > const &sinkList, toml::string const &pattern)
Creates an std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> initialized with name, the sink pointers in sinklist...
Definition: setup.cpp:150
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupLoggers()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLoggers ( toml::value const &  data)

Using data read from a toml file, extract vector of tables representing every logger specified. Call KDSPDSetup::setup::setupLogger on each table in the vector to create and register an spdlog logger for each. The loggers should then be available through spdlog::get.

datatoml11 representation of the configuration file.

Definition at line 243 of file setup.cpp.

244 {
245  auto const loggers = toml::find<std::vector<toml::table>>(data, "logger");
246  for (auto &&loggerTable : loggers) {
247  setupLogger(loggerTable);
248  }
249 }
void setupLogger(toml::table const &loggerTable)
Given a table representation of a logger whose name is not already registered with spdlog,...
Definition: setup.cpp:205
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupPatterns()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupPatterns ( toml::value const &  data)

Using data read from a toml file, search for the key global_pattern. If it exists, use its string value as the global pattern for spdlog by passing it to spdlog::set_pattern. Search again for a table called pattern. If found, extract vector of tables representing every pattern specified. For each table in the vector, add the name and pattern format string specified to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mPatternMap. This map is used when constructing loggers that will use non-global patterns to format messages, allowing indexing of format strings by name.

datatoml11 representation of the configuration file.

Definition at line 108 of file setup.cpp.

109 {
110  if (data.contains("global_pattern")) {
111  auto const globalPattern = toml::find<toml::string>(data, "global_pattern");
112  spdlog::set_pattern(globalPattern);
113  }
115  if (data.contains("pattern")) {
116  auto const patterns = toml::find<std::vector<toml::table>>(data, "pattern");
118  for (auto &&patternTable : patterns) {
119  auto const name = patternTable.at("name").as_string();
120  auto const value = patternTable.at("value").as_string();
122  details::SPDMaps::emplacePatternMap(std::make_pair(name, value));
123  }
124  }
125 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupSink()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink ( toml::table &&  sinkTable)

Given a table representation of a sink, creates an spdlog::sink_ptr, and evaluates the type of sink specified in the table. Based on the type, calls additional functions to parse type-specific fields and construct the sink with the correct constructor. Adds the resultant sink to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap, which is used to obtain sink pointers by name when constructing loggers.

sinkTabletoml11 table representation for a particular sink specified in a configuration file. Passed in by KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSinks.

Definition at line 43 of file setup.cpp.

44 {
45  spdlog::sink_ptr sinkPtr;
47  auto const name = sinkTable.at("name").as_string();
48  auto typeStr = sinkTable.at("type").as_string();
50  bool ok = false;
52  if (details::inTypelist(typeStr, typeList)) {
53  ok = true;
54  break;
55  }
56  }
58  if (!ok)
59  throw std::out_of_range("KDSPDSetup: sink type "s + typeStr.str + " is not valid"s);
61  toml::string level = "";
62  if (sinkTable.contains("level")) {
63  level = sinkTable.at("level").as_string();
64  }
68  handleTruncatableSink(std::move(typeStr), std::move(sinkTable), sinkPtr);
69  }
72  sinkPtr = details::genFromNullOrStdStr(std::move(typeStr));
73  }
75  else if (details::inTypelist(typeStr, details::linuxStrs)) {
76 #ifdef __linux__
77  sinkPtr = details::genFromLinuxStr(std::move(typeStr), std::move(sinkTable));
78 #else
79  return;
80 #endif
81  } else if (details::inTypelist(typeStr, details::winStrs)) {
82 #ifdef _WIN32
83  sinkPtr = details::genFromWinStr(std::move(typeStr));
84 #else
85  return;
86 #endif
87  }
89  if (level != "") {
90  if (!details::levelMap.contains(level))
91  throw std::out_of_range("KDSPDSetup: level "s + level.str + " not found"s);
93  sinkPtr->set_level(details::levelMap.at(level));
94  }
96  details::SPDMaps::emplaceSinkMap(std::make_pair(name, sinkPtr));
97 }
static auto const linuxStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog syslog sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a TOML table...
Definition: details.h:87
static auto const nullStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog null sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a TOML table t...
Definition: details.h:80
static auto const winStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog MSVC sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a TOML table t...
Definition: details.h:94
auto genFromNullOrStdStr(toml::string &&typeStr) -> spdlog::sink_ptr
Return the result of calling KDSPDSetup::details::createStdoutSinkPtr with the correct template argum...
Definition: details.cpp:160
static auto const stdStrs
Vector of strings of spdlog standard output sink typenames. Used when matching a type string from a T...
Definition: details.h:48
void handleTruncatableSink(toml::string &&typeStr, toml::table &&sinkTable, spdlog::sink_ptr &sinkPtr)
Helper function for setting up file-based sinks that require a truncate argument in their constructor...
Definition: setup.cpp:32
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupSinks()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSinks ( toml::value const &  data)

Using data read from a toml file, extract vector of tables representing every sink specified. Call KDSPDSetup::setup::setupSink on each table in the vector to create an spdlog sink for each. These sinks are put into KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mSinkMap, which is later indexed when constructing loggers to obtain the named sink pointers.

datatoml11 representation of the configuration file.

Definition at line 99 of file setup.cpp.

100 {
101  auto sinks = toml::find<std::vector<toml::table>>(data, "sink");
103  for (auto &&sinkTable : sinks) {
104  setupSink(std::move(sinkTable));
105  }
106 }
void setupSink(toml::table &&sinkTable)
Given a table representation of a sink, creates an spdlog::sink_ptr, and evaluates the type of sink s...
Definition: setup.cpp:43
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupThreadPools()

void KDSPDSetup::setup::setupThreadPools ( toml::value const &  data)

Using data read from a toml file, search for a table global_thread_pool, and initialize it with the specified queue size and thread count fields by calling spdlog::init_thread_pool. Search again for a table thread_pool. If found, extract vector of tables representing every threadpool specified. For each table in the vector, add the name, queue size, and thread count specified to KDSPDSetup::details::SPDMaps::mThreadPoolMap. This map is used to index threadpool information by name when constructing asynchronous loggers.

datatoml11 representation of the configuration file.

Definition at line 127 of file setup.cpp.

128 {
129  if (data.contains("global_thread_pool")) {
130  auto const globalThreadPool = toml::find(data, "global_thread_pool");
132  auto const queueSize = toml::find<std::size_t>(globalThreadPool, "queue_size");
133  auto const numThreads = toml::find<std::size_t>(globalThreadPool, "num_threads");
134  spdlog::init_thread_pool(queueSize, numThreads);
135  }
137  if (data.contains("thread_pool")) {
138  auto const threadPools = toml::find<std::vector<toml::table>>(data, "thread_pool");
140  for (auto &&poolTable : threadPools) {
141  auto const name = poolTable.at("name").as_string();
142  auto const queueSize = static_cast<std::size_t>(poolTable.at("queue_size").as_integer());
143  auto const numThreads = static_cast<std::size_t>(poolTable.at("num_threads").as_integer());
145  details::SPDMaps::emplaceThreadPoolMap(std::make_pair(name, std::make_pair(queueSize, numThreads)));
146  }
147  }
148 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: