Kuesa Runtime

KTX texture

KTX is a generic container format for textures (compressed and uncompressed).

Used in Kuesa

The sources can be found in KUESA/kuesa/src/3rdparty/ktx.

Project Homepage

 Copyright 2010-2021 The Khronos Group, Inc.

Apache License 2.0.

 LICENSE file for the KhronosGroup/KTX-Software project    {#license}

  Can't put at start. Doxygen requires page title on first line.
  Copyright 2013-2021 Mark Callow
  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 Files unique to this repository generally fall under the Apache 2.0 license
 with copyright holders including Mark Callow, the KTX-Software author; The
 Khronos Group Inc., which has supported KTX development; and other
 contributors to the KTX project.

 Because KTX-Software incorporates material and contributions from many other
 projects, which often have their own licenses, there are many other licenses
 in use in this repository. While there are many licenses in this repository,
 with rare exceptions all are open source licenses that we believe to be
 mutually compatible.

 The complete text of each of the licenses used in this repository is found
 in LICENSES/*.txt . Additionally, we have updated the repository to pass the
 REUSE compliance checker tool (see https://reuse.software/). REUSE verifies
 that every file in a git repository either incorporates a license, or that
 the license is present in auxiliary files such as .reuse/dep5 . To obtain a
 bill of materials for the repository identifying the license for each file,
 install the REUSE tool and run

     reuse spdx

 inside the repository.

 ## Special Cases

 The file lib/etcdec.cxx is not open source. It is made available under the
 terms of an Ericsson license, found in the file itself.