KDBindings API Documentation  1.0.95

Properties are values that can notify observers of changes. They can therefore be used as values in data bindings.

Unlike Qts Properties, KDBindings Properties don't require a Meta Object Compiler and are available in pure C++17. They can even be used outside of classes as free values.

Declaring Properties

Properties can be declared for most types by creating a KDBindings::Property<T> instance.

The property instance will then emit signals every time the properties value changes, the property is moved or destructed.

Minimal example: declaring properties

#include <kdbindings/property.h>
using namespace KDBindings;
Property<std::string> myProperty;
myProperty.valueChanged().connect([](const std::string& value) {
std::cout << value << std::endl;
myProperty = "Hello World!";

Expected output:

Hello World!

For more information and examples see the KDBindings::Property documentation.

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Reactive programming & data binding in C++
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